Sent: Jul 29, 2010 4:58p
Are you Ready Kern? The Ready Kern Emergency Notification System was used on the West Fire to help notify...
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Are you Ready Kern? The Ready Kern Emergency Notification System was used on the West Fire to help notify...
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It started along the East Coast and it has come to the west coast via Bakersfield -- a support organization for those with verbal/non-verbal language and learning disabilities to go the next step beyond the highly structured elementary and high school environment to college, career, and independent living.
Carnegie Mellon University has been described as a "mini-MIT" and has been the place where the AHEADD program came into its own.
Traditional accommodations under IEPs for students with disabilities include:
Non-traditional accommodations individually include:
The west coast region already has several students in several different cities, thanks to being vendored by the Rehabilitation Department and California State Regional Centers (locally Kern Regional Center). If the KRC or Dept of Rehab client is approved for the service, these agencies can cover the tuition, which starts at $4200 per student per semester. Given the how comprehensive the services provided are, other services are a lot more expensive.
For more information about the organization on a national level, email Carolyn Komich Hare, Director of AHEADD or visit AHEADD, Achieving in Higher Education with Autism/Developmental Disabilities.
Loren Presley loves writing books, building robots, and (digital) animation. In a previous visit to our Parent Support Group (PSG), he told of his life journey of trying to figure out who he was and why he processed things differently than other around him seemed to. This time, he focused more on the process of the self-discovery process.
From preschool he used his imagination, was drawn inward, and focused on inner thought. He had to find strength within himself and support outside of himself.
Diagnosed by third grade, he was aware of the feeling that he was different. The feeling shook his self esteem and self confidence. To him the diagnosis, like many who struggle with undiagnosed disbelieved problems, was actually a relief!
Middle school and high school were like the Medieval Ages. (note-were? -jb) (reference -- Freaks, Geeks, and Aspergers.)
With three kids in three different schools, these last few years have been especially hectic. Trying to make time for each and allow them the time they need for what they have to do is always a balancing act. Then there is keeping them on track and, for one kid, checking to make sure the child isn't taking the easy way out.
Trying to remember that your job isn't about popularity and trying to make sure that they know that they are valued. Trying to teach and trying to make sure they know that they are capable. Trying to get jobs done and making sure they get their jobs done.
Whether or not you hit-the-mark today, tomorrow is another day.
Aspergers kids/high functioning autistic kids are concrete thinkers. Pragmatics, executive functioning, organizational skills have to with how they arrange, rearrange, don't-arrange their external world in accordance with their internal world (processing).
from a psychology class/relationships class.
Listed below are statements that reflect different attitudes about love/significant-other relationships. For each statement fill in the blank using the response that indicates how much you agree or disagree with that statement. The items refer to a specific love relationship.
The six styles are marked A to F in the questionnaire, corresponding to the order in the answer key that follows.
Whenever possible, answer with your current partner in mind. If you are not currently dating anyone, answer the questions with your most recent partner in mind. If you have never been in love, answer in terms of what you thing your responses would most likely be. There is no right or wrong answers -- we each carry traits from the different styles of love.
(my note -- this could reveal insights to your relationships with family and friends, too.)
The lowest number will be your main Love Style; however, we all will contain part from many different love styles. You may even have two love styles that tie for number one. This is normal and means you tend to have strong traits in both/many Love Styles. This scale is useful since it gives you a continuum perspective on your overall Love Style and how you relate to the other Love Styles
(1) Strongly Agree, (2) Moderately Agree, (3) Neutral - neither Agree or Disagree, (4) Moderately Disagree, (5) Strongly Disagree.
The Eros lover is characterized by passion, though a passion broader than just a physical one. The Eros lover tends to be drawn toward a preferred physical type, and thus may be an immediate recognition or "aha" when meeting a potential love partner. This lover is intense and wants to be involved with a partner on all levels, becoming physically affectionate (and intimate), talking for hours, and learning all about the partner. The Eros lover is fully and openly "present",is self-confident and trusting, and balances intensity with an appropriate sense of boundaries.
The Ludus lover, in contrast, is not interested in intensity, but rather experiences love as a game to be played for mutual enjoyment but not necessarily with any serious outcome in mind. Ludic lovers do not have a preferred physical type. Although ludic lovers may be in a partnered relationship with someone, ludic love is best played with several partners at a time, so that different people may be enjoyed for different qualities, in different activities, with no one person or relationship taking precedence over another. A ludic lover may hurt a partner inadvertently, but the goal is to enjoy relationships with a variety of people, with everyone having fun and no one getting hurt.
The Storge lover is someone who builds a love relationship on a strong base of friendship. The goal is: A companionable, secure, trusting relationship with a partner who is similar in terms of attitudes and values. This similarity is much more important to Storge than physical appearance or sexual satisfaction because this orientation to love is more likely to seek long-term commitment rather than short-term excitement. *
The Pragma lover is all that the name implies, including practical and pragmatic. A Pragma lover may or may not have a preferred physical type, but he/she will surely have a virtual (or actual) shopping list of qualities sought in a partner. This type of lover may profit from working with a matchmaker or a computer dating service, in which inappropriate relationship candidates will be screened out. "The pragmatic lover isn't looking for great excitement and drama, but, rather, for a suitable partner with whom a satisfying, rewarding life can be built." *
The Mania lover is also aptly characterized by the love style name, in that emotional highs and lows, as well as dependence, possessiveness, jealousy, and insecurity are typically present. A manic lover yearns for a love relationship but finds it elusive, because he/she seems compelled to push for commitment from a partner, does not really trust the commitment even if it is forthcoming, and is always afraid that the partner will find someone else. Another aspect of Mania is physical symptoms, such as difficulty eating or sleeping. Overall, the Mania lover always seems to be looking for the cloud around the silver lining.
The Agape lover is the rarest type of lover. Agape is characterized by altruism, such as that the partner's welfare is more important than one's own welfare, and what one can give in a relationship is more important than what one gets. indeed, Agape has much in common with compassionate love. The idealism of Agape means that there is no one preferred physical type in a partner, and indeed, sensuality and sexuality are likely to be much less important than more spiritual qualities. Although pure Agape is unlikely to exist on the physical plane of this world, agapic qualities are extremely important as relationships encounter inevitable ups and downs.
Legit? Looks like.... Scary? Very!
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