Monday, August 24, 2009

Forward of interest: Office Depot Sale & Coupon for Teachers

Throughout the month of August, Office Depot has been running some great penny specials each week. Now they're offering an online printable coupon which is good for 20% off all Carson Dellosa teacher books. 

Carson Dellosa offers quality books and supplements for grades preschool through eighth grade.  They also have grade books, planners, decorating supplies, motivational tools, resources for parents, and more.  

This Office Depot coupon is valid through August 29, 2009, however, Office Depot says that more coupons will be coming in the following weeks.  To stay on top of Office Depot sales, be sure to become an Office Depot fan.

Office Depot also has some penny specials going on this week.  These end tomorrow, but maybe you can still snag some of the deals.

Glue sticks – 25 cents
Book covers – 25 cents
5 1/2 "– 8" notebook – 25 cents

With $10 purchase, the following items are FREE:
Office Depot acrylic ruler
12-pack eraser caps
8-pack Scholastic crayons

Enjoy the savings!

Post from: Thrifty Mommy

Forward of interest: Startup Website Offers Disaster Updates, as the domain name suggests, is a startup website that offers disaster updates. Dave Miller, a spokesman for the website, believes that this website offers disaster updates in an easy to use format.

Said Miller: "Existing web resources were either too specialized or too complex for the average homeowner or businessperson in need of quick disaster information. To this end, the website was specifically designed to be more useful by individuals, families and businesses reacting to a disaster emergency."

While the website was launched during the beginning of hurricane season, it covers other tyeps of disasters such as floods, pandemic flu, wildfires, earthquakes and tsunamis.

Information that can be found on this startup site includes everything from evacuation routes to links to the online FEMA disaster application. While the website looks like it can still use some work, this is the type of niche website that are being launched left and right.

Hurricane (Image: Flickr)

Post from: Startup Spark

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Forward of interest: Stress : Effects of Stress

Stress has many physiological affects on the human body. As we have already learned, certain types of stress can be good, but too much stress can lead to all sorts of problems.

The first thing that stress does is to cause the adrenal glands to start secreting adrenaline and epinephrine. These hormones are produced to help use get ready to fight or run away from a threat. Fortunately, we don't face mortal danger on daily basis anymore; but unfortunately, this means that these hormones just make use feel a lot of anxiety.

The "flight or fight" reaction also causes our body to have an increased metabolism. Your heart rate increases, your breathing speeds up, you start sweating, and your blood sugar levels increase. If you are temporarily escaping from a lion this is a good thing, but if you are living your life in a constant state of stress, this can lead to some serious problems, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Additionally, the body turns off certain unessential functions. After all, if you are running away from a lion there is really no point in wasting energy with things like digestion, reproduction and growth. This is exactly why highly stressed people get ulcers, have trouble getting pregnant and under extreme conditions have stunted growth.

Finding and eliminating stressful parts of our lives is important, but for short term relief, relaxation exercises can be a big help.

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Forward of interest: Adding Social Element to Document Sharing

If you are looking how to share documents, presentations or PDF's then a good website is Scribd. Interestingly they have also added a social networking aspect to their site. This makes sense as the site was a way of sharing but lacked that ability to build a community feel to your visit. Now you
Can see a news feed of your friends
Reply to friends feeds
Add items of interest to your profile
Easily follow and find new friends.

It is another example of how web sites are understanding the social aspect to sharing and in many ways Scribd has "copied" aspects from Twitter and Friendfeed. Whether these additions will help Scribd which has struggled over the last few months I am unsure, and whether it adds anything extra to other sitesagain I am not sure. However, I do find Scribd is a great place for document sharing and another way of connecting with people of similar interests.

Post from: Buzz Networker

Forward of interest: Stress : Autogenic Relaxation

Stress can cause all sorts of problems for us in our daily lives. Not the least of which is a decreased ability to think productively and creatively. Autogenic relaxation works by influencing the autonomic nervous system through self-suggestion. The goal is to learn how to relax your limbs, heart and breathing.

Start by sitting in a comfortable position in a quiet place. Concentrate on your legs and arms. Feel them getting heavy. Repeat to yourself over and over, "My arms are getting heavy. My legs are getting heavy."

Now feel your arms and legs getting warmer. Repeat to yourself, "My arms are getting warm. My legs are getting warm." Try to really feel them getting warmer.

Now, concentrate on your pulse. Feel it beating calmly. Repeat to yourself over and over, "My heart rate is calm and regular."

Now, focus on your breathing. Take deep and regular breaths. Repeat, "My breathing is calm and regular."

Focus on your abdomen and feel it getting warmer. Repeat, "My abdomen is feeling warmer."

Lastly, pay attention to your forehead. Feel it getting cooler. Repeat to yourself, "My forehead is pleasantly cool."

Repeat as many times as you desire. A feeling of peacefulness and relaxation should come over you as you progress through this exercise.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Forward of interest: Your Life, Simplified

"Our life is frittered away by detail simplify, simplify." - Henry David Thoreau
Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on Twitter.

A lot of people seem to connect with my message of simplicity, and yearn to find a simpler life in this world of ever-increasing complexity, of overwhelming technology.

We want to take the good things in our lives, the benefits of technology, but simplify things, get rid of the complexities.

And while I've written dozens of articles on simplifying (and an entire book on it), I'd like to offer a simple method.

Something you can do today, without being overwhelmed.

A 12-step method, perhaps, simplified into just 6 steps.

1. Write down your top priorities. We all have a long list of things we want to do, to try, to learn, to accomplish. Just pick 4-5. You can do that right now make a short list of the things that are most important to you. My list: spending time with my family, writing, reading and running. These are the things you'll build your life around, for now. You can always change this list later, as your priorities change.

2. Reduce one commitment. What is something you do every day or week that's not on your short list? Is there any way you can get out of it? Make a phone call or send an email right now that will get you out of that commitment. It might mean disappointing one or many people but you are going to create the simple life you want, not the complicated life others demand of you. By reducing this one commitment, you are simplifying your life, creating more time and space for the important stuff. Make the choice to put your priorities first, to find the time for them, by reducing your commitments.

3. Simplify your to-do list. Same concept, but at a smaller level what's on your to-do list that doesn't need to be there? Something you've been dreading that you don't absolutely have to do? Can you tell someone you're just too busy to work on this? Can you give it to someone else, or automate it? See if you can pare your to-do list to just the most important things. Alternatively, just pick 1-3 things to do each day, and don't worry about the rest.

4. Set aside some disconnected time. If you're connected all the time, this step is essential. Don't skip it! Pick one hour to be disconnected no Internet, no email, no IM, no phones. You can use your computer, but just for desktop computing, like writing in a word processor or text file, or working in Photoshop, or what have you. Use this time to really focus, to pour yourself into important tasks that you love to do. Or you can use this disconnected time to relax.

5. Create your perfect day. You've blocked aside some disconnected time, but let's take that a step further: what would your ideal day look like? What would you do when you woke up, what would your work day look like (hint: it doesn't have to be the work you're doing now, but it could be), would you have time for exercise or sports or taking a walk or relaxing or reading or doing a hobby, would you have time for loved ones, time to clean or do errands, time for checking email, etc.? List the things you'd do, ideally, then simplify to the most important ones. Then lay them out in a schedule. You don't have to stick to this schedule exactly, but knowing what's ideal gives you something to work toward. In some cases, you can simply start living this day, tomorrow, but in others you'll have to make gradual changes to allow this ideal day to happen. The key: taking control and responsibility for making the perfect day a reality.

6. Declutter. You want a nice, decluttered, serene space to surround you in your new simplified life. So you're going to create it. Two ways to go here: if you don't have much time, just do 10-15 minutes for now, and continue to do small increments until you get to where you'd like to be. Here's how. Second method is if you have an entire day or weekend set aside a big block of time and just overhaul your workspace or one or two rooms in your home. Here's a good method.

Next Steps
Once you get to this stage, things should be a bit more simplified. But you're probably interested in going beyond that. Here's what you can do next but please, please, don't try to do these all at once. Pick one at a time, and do it slowly, over time. Simplifying isn't a race it's a life.
Declutter some more. Read.
Letting go of wanting to buy more. Read.
Reducing more commitments. Read.
Transitioning to doing only work you love. Read.
Creating time for solitude, quiet and relaxation. Read.
Slowing down in everything you do. Read.
Being present more often. Read.
Single-tasking. Read.

And most importantly: enjoy the process! The important thing isn't a destination a perfect, simple life but the journey along the way.

Manifest plainness,
Embrace simplicity,
Reduce selfishness,
Have few desires.
- Lao-tzu

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Forward of interest: The Little But Really Useful Guide to Creativity

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Albert Einstein
Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on Twitter.

It's easier than ever to be creative, to create, to imagine and make what's imagined become reality.

It's also tougher than ever, with distractions surrounding us in ways never before imagined.

No matter what kind of creative type you are writer, painter, musician, marketer, blogger, photographer, designer, parent, business owner you are likely always looking for inspirations, for ways to let loose your creative genius.

And while there are millions of creativity tips on the Internet, I thought I'd share the ones I've found most useful the ones that I've tried and tested and found to be right.

Here they are, in no order at all:
• Play.
• Don't consume and create at the same time separate the processes.
• Shut out the outside world.
• Reflect on your life and work daily.
• Look for inspiration all around you, in the smallest places.
• Start small.
• Just get it out, no matter how crappy that first draft.
• Don't try for perfect. Just get it out there, asap, and get feedback.
• Constantly make it better.
• Ignore the naysayers.
• But let criticism help you grow.
• Teach and you'll learn.
• Shake things up, see things in new ways.
• Apply things in other fields to your field, in ways not done before.
• Drink ridiculous amounts of coffee.
• Write all ideas down immediately.
• Turn your work into play.
• Play with kids.
• Get out, move, see new things, talk to new people.
• Read wildly different things. Especially stuff you disagree with.
• Get lots of rest. Overwork kills creativity.
• Don't force it. Relax, play, it will start to flow.
• Allow your mind to wander. Allow distractions, when you're looking for inspiration.
• Then shut them off when you're going to create.
• Do it when you're excited.
• When you're not, find something else to be excited about.
• Don't be afraid to be stupid and silly.
• Small ideas are good. You don't need to change the world just change one thing.
When something is killing your creativity, kill it.
• Stop reading creativity advice, clear away everything, and just create.
• Most of all, have fun doing it.

"Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." - Lewis Carroll

If you liked this article, please share it on, StumbleUpon or Twitter. I'd appreciate it. :)

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Forward of interest: Robert Bresson

"Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen."

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, August 3, 2009

Forward of interest: Creativity : Clear Your Mind

Because we are always thinking, planning, and worrying about things, our minds tend to get cluttered with thoughts and it becomes difficult to focus all of our mental energies on a specific task. You can't think creatively about a problem when half of your mind is thinking about what you want to eat for dinner or how bad the traffic is going to be when you leave work. Before you begin a task where you want to apply all of your creative ability, start by clearing out your mind.

There are many ways of doing this, try this one to start. Sitting comfortably, find a nearby object such as a pencil. Now, stare at it. Try to empty your mind of every thought that isn't related to your object. Your whole universe is the pencil. What would it be like to be a pencil? Without touching it, close your eyes and imagine what a pencil feels like. Does it have a smell? A taste? If any unrelated thought enters your mind, refocus your attention onto your object. With practice you will become better at shutting out unrelated thoughts. Do this for at least 5 minutes (set a timer so you aren't thinking about the time). You should find that your mind is more focused and has fewer distracting thoughts. This is the correct mindset for creative thinking.

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Tweet forwarded by burchworks - AHEADD's Adult Autism Awareness Brown Bag Series

@SearchAutism: AngieMC1966 : AHEADD's Adult Autism Awareness Brown Bag Series -

Twitter Link:

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Forwarded by burchworks: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

"Look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear."

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Forwarded by burchworks: George Burns

"You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old."

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Forwarded by burchworks: Thought for Fri, 31 Jul 2009

He who finds a thought that enables him to obtain a slightly deeper glimpse into the eternal secrets of nature has been given great grace. - Albert Einstein...

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Forwarded by burchworks: Stress : Types of Stress

There are four types of Stress that can impact our lives. Not all of them are bad. In fact, some stress is good for us. Good stress gets us out of bed in the morning and motivates us to excel.

Eustress is a good type of stress. This is what you feel when you are watching a suspenseful movie, riding a rollercoaster or about to finish running a marathon. Eustress helps motivate us to finish projects that we are excited about and contributes positively to a creative mindset.

Distress refers to frustrations, unresolved anger, or fear. It causes anxiety and mental suffering. This is a bad stress and does a great job at blocking creativity.

Under-stress is the lack of any stress, and is similar to boredom and hopelessness. An unchallenging job can lead to under-stress. If people are not challenged then they are not motivated to be creative.

Over-stress is what you feel when you have pushed yourself too hard, are late for an important meeting, or have a big deadline that is looming. People who are in this condition do not have the time to think creatively. They are only worried about dealing with the issues immediately at hand and cannot step back to look at the big picture.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Saturday, August 1, 2009

To those who miss the "forwards" and left us comments -- THANK YOU!

Thank you for your comments! We've moved the "forwards" to another site so the main posts and following communications won't get lost in the massive news feeds.

You can still see them below under You can leave feedback on either site. And we hope you keep coming back!

Tweet forwarded by burchworks - House E&C Committee pass Rep. Doyle's autism insurance reform amendment to H.R. 3200!!

@autismvotes: 8/1/09: House E&C Committee pass Rep. Doyle's autism insurance reform amendment to H.R. 3200!! Read more at!

Twitter Link:

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Tweet forwarded by burchworks - grant

@ScanGrants: Posting: A3CR2 Advisor's Award;

Twitter Link:

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