Monday, February 28, 2011

How Air Fresheners Are Killing You

Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils
Are you aware of this? (Thanks Gailann!)

How Air Fresheners Are Killing You

Facebook Link:

Extreme Couponing

Hint: look for the reference to "baby vampires". LOL!!

Good shoppers use coupons to save money. Extreme couponers have something a bit more in mind whenever they scour their Sunday circulars: they want stuff for free. That's right: Free, as in zilch, zip and zero dollar.

With a bit of knowledge and a lot of planning, the practitioner of "extreme couponing" can get a lot of stuff for free (or practically free). Billy Baker of The Boston Globe has the fascinating story of the couponing craze:

Spencer's approach requires significant planning and effort, a willingness to stand up to hostile cashiers, and, some say, a lack of shame. But the reward she offers is too good for her thousands of devotees to pass up.

The goal is not simply a good deal, she says. "The goal is free.''

On that seminal Sunday last month, a combination of factors collided to bring an entirely new pack of extreme couponers to the scene at once, unable to resist that first taste of "free.'' After the Great Toilet Paper Rush, nothing would be the same.

"It was the day that sent a seismic wave through coupondom,'' said Melanie Feehan, a veteran extreme couponer who arrived at a Rite Aid near her home in Plymouth shortly after it opened, only to discover the toilet paper had been cleared from the shelves by a man who bragged to a clerk that he had already emptied three other Rite Aids that morning.

"When a newbie couponer is birthed they are very much like baby vampires,'' Feehan wrote on her popular blog, The Coupon Goddess. "They go on a couponing rampage that wreaks havoc at every store they descend upon . . . Carnage.''


RIP Frank Buckles

Frank W. Buckles celebrated his 110th birthday on February first. He died peacefully at his home on Sunday morning. Buckles was one of 4,734,992 Americans who served in World War I. With his death, there are no more surviving US veterans.

Buckles, who served as a U.S. Army ambulance driver in Europe during what became known as the "Great War," rose to the rank of corporal before the war ended. He came to prominence in recent years, in part because of the work of DeJonge, a Michigan portrait photographer who had undertaken a project to document the last surviving veterans of that war.

As the years continued, all but Buckles had passed away, leaving him the "last man standing" among U.S. troops who were called "The Doughboys."

In recent years, Buckles became an advocate for a memorial in Washington to honor those who served in the "Great War". Link -via Fark

Friday, February 25, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Leo Burnett

"When you reach for the stars you may not quite get one, but you won't come up with a handful of mud either."

Seth Godin

"People don't believe what you tell them./ They rarely believe what you show them./ They often believe what their friends tell them./ They always believe what they tell themselves./"

Monday, February 21, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chinese Proverb

@AncientProverbs: He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever. -Chinese Proverb

Twitter Link:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Charlton Heston's 3 Post-Apocalyptic Films Make Sense if Played Simultaneously

(Video Link)

Charlton Heston starred in three post-apocalyptic films: Planet of the Apes (1968), Omega Man (1971), and Soylent Green (1973). As an art project, Anthony Discenza took the entire run of each film and spliced them together at every tenth of a second while playing their soundtracks simultaneously. The result is both trippy and coherent.

via Blastr

Grant Frazier

"Life is full of obstacle illusions."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Asperger Syndrome/High Functioning Autism Support Group

Asperger Syndrome/High Functioning Autism

Support Group

Who: Parents, Professionals or Other Caretakers

When: Tuesday, February 15, 2011

6 - 7:30pm

Where: Kern County Superintendent of Schools Bldg.

Room 1A, Main Floor

1300 17th St.

Bakersfield 93301

The building is on the northwest corner of 17th and L St.

Free parking available in the parking lot on 18th St., between K St. and L
St. Garage connects to KCSOS Bldg.

Why: Guest Speaker:

Holley Arbeit, Regional Program Manager of AHEADD

Parent Exchange of Successes and Frustrations

This is a free informational presentation.

KAN and KHSD are not endorsing the purchase or participation of these

RSVP by email:

Holley Arbeit, Speech-Language Pathologist


$65/Hr Job - 25 Openings
Part-Time job ($20-$65/hr). Requirements: Home Internet Access

Spring Break Cartoon Crazy

Spring Break

Cartoon Crazy

April 18 - 22, 2011

Students grade 4 and 5 with Asperger's Syndrome, high functioning autism and
other social communication needs are invited to a 5-day workshop.

"Cartoon Crazy" will teach the art of cartoon drawing 3:00 to 5:00 pm at the
Bakersfield Museum of Art,

1930 R Street.

Award-winning artist Nicole Saint-John and her group of qualified
instructors will teach the basics of this popular art form as well as social
communication skills

and reading and writing skills.

The program costs $25, materials included.

Registration is limited and on a first-come-first-serve basis.

To register contact the Arts Council of Kern at 324.9000

This program is partially underwritten by a grant from

the Bakersfield Californian Foundation

Obama Urges Homeowners to Refinance
If you owe under $729k you probably qualify for Obama's Refi Program

Sunday, February 13, 2011

It is Autism Sunday also known as the International Day of Prayer for #Autism

@TheCoffeeKlatch: It is Autism Sunday also known as the International Day of Prayer for #Autism Not too late to say a prayer Let's get #Autism Trending

Twitter Link:

The expression a woman wears ...

@WomenOfHistory: The expression a woman wears on her face is far more important than the clothes she wears on her back -Dale Carnegie

Twitter Link:

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Clementine Paddleford

"Never grow a wishbone, daughter, where your backbone ought to be."

Stress : Effects of Stress

Stress has many physiological affects on the human body. As we have already learned, certain types of stress can be good, but too much stress can lead to all sorts of problems.

The first thing that stress does is to cause the adrenal glands to start secreting adrenaline and epinephrine. These hormones are produced to help use get ready to fight or run away from a threat. Fortunately, we don't face mortal danger on daily basis anymore; but unfortunately, this means that these hormones just make use feel a lot of anxiety.

The "flight or fight" reaction also causes our body to have an increased metabolism. Your heart rate increases, your breathing speeds up, you start sweating, and your blood sugar levels increase. If you are temporarily escaping from a lion this is a good thing, but if you are living your life in a constant state of stress, this can lead to some serious problems, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Additionally, the body turns off certain unessential functions. After all, if you are running away from a lion there is really no point in wasting energy with things like digestion, reproduction and growth. This is exactly why highly stressed people get ulcers, have trouble getting pregnant and under extreme conditions have stunted growth.

Finding and eliminating stressful parts of our lives is important, but for short term relief, relaxation exercises can be a big help.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kern Autism Network - Asperger Syndrome/High Functioning Autism Support Group

Asperger Syndrome/High Functioning Autism

Support Group

Who: Parents, Professionals or Other Caretakers

When: Tuesday, February 15, 2011

6 - 7:30pm

Where: Kern County Superintendent of Schools Bldg.

Room 1A, Main Floor

1300 17th St.

Bakersfield 93301

The building is on the northwest corner of 17th and L St.

Free parking available in the parking lot on 18th St., between K St. and L
St. Garage connects to KCSOS Bldg.

Why: Guest Speakers:

Diana Kelly, Disability Student Programs and Services Counselor at
Bakersfield College

Holley Arbeit, Regional Program Manager of AHEADD

Parent Exchange of Successes and Frustrations

This is a free informational presentation.

KAN and KHSD are not endorsing the purchase or participation of these

RSVP by email:

Holley Arbeit, Speech-Language Pathologist


Monday, February 7, 2011

Sir Winston Churchill

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."

Stress : Autogenic Relaxation

Stress can cause all sorts of problems for us in our daily lives. Not the least of which is a decreased ability to think productively and creatively. Autogenic relaxation works by influencing the autonomic nervous system through self-suggestion. The goal is to learn how to relax your limbs, heart and breathing.

Start by sitting in a comfortable position in a quiet place. Concentrate on your legs and arms. Feel them getting heavy. Repeat to yourself over and over, "My arms are getting heavy. My legs are getting heavy."

Now feel your arms and legs getting warmer. Repeat to yourself, "My arms are getting warm. My legs are getting warm." Try to really feel them getting warmer.

Now, concentrate on your pulse. Feel it beating calmly. Repeat to yourself over and over, "My heart rate is calm and regular."

Now, focus on your breathing. Take deep and regular breaths. Repeat, "My breathing is calm and regular."

Focus on your abdomen and feel it getting warmer. Repeat, "My abdomen is feeling warmer."

Lastly, pay attention to your forehead. Feel it getting cooler. Repeat to yourself, "My forehead is pleasantly cool."

Repeat as many times as you desire. A feeling of peacefulness and relaxation should come over you as you progress through this exercise.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Study: ADHD Diet Helps Reduce Symptoms

All children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should be offered a special ADHD diet to see if eliminating certain foods might reduce their symptoms, Dutch researchers say.


"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

Kathleen Norris

"Before you begin a thing, remind yourself that difficulties and delays quite impossible to foresee are ahead. If you could see them clearly, naturally you could do a great deal to get rid of them but you can't. You can only see one thing clearly and that is your goal. Form a mental vision of that and cling to it through thick and thin."