Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New York May Require License Plates For Bicycles


New York is proposing a new bicycle law. They want all bikes to have license plates. Bicycle owners would pay $25 for the first year and then $5 each year after that.

The idea is not going over too well upstate.

"Collecting money from parents and from little kids - that would give us their allowance money to be able to ride their bicycle - to pay for a license plate . . . that's gone too far," says Erie County Clerk Kathy Hochul.

Ed Reilly of WKBW ha more: Link

Bakersfield College may impose unit limits to early registration

Bakersfield College is thinking about imposing a 14 unit limit during early registration.

Of course BC is trying to stop certain students from hogging all of the classes in early registration, dropping down to what they really want to carry.

Due to tight budgets, community colleges have fewer classes to offer. With "registered", "waiting list", and (unofficial name) "waiting to get on the waiting list", the old system of showing up hoping to get into class when people drop is ancient history. And with UC and CSU systems fees rising, more students are going to community colleges vying for those precious fewer classes.

If the proposal is implemented, there would be as much as 900 or more class positions available for students per semester. But if you or anyone you know is someone who takes 18 units ("to get this done and move on"), that may get a lot harder.

Leonard Louis Levinson

"History is the short trudge from Adam to atom."

Caroline K. Simon

"Look like a girl, act like a lady, think like a man and work like a dog."


Pre-social network wisdom!

"Let thy speech be short, comprehending much in a few words."