Thursday, July 29, 2010

The beginning of the school year is upon us.

With three kids in three different schools, these last few years have been especially hectic.  Trying to make time for each and allow them the time they need for what they have to do is always a balancing act.  Then there is keeping them on track and, for one kid, checking to make sure the child isn't taking the easy way out. 

Trying to remember that your job isn't about popularity and trying to make sure that they know that they are valued.  Trying to teach and trying to make sure they know that they are capable.  Trying to get jobs done and making sure they get their jobs done. 

Whether or not you hit-the-mark today, tomorrow is another day. 

Aspergers kids/high functioning autistic kids are concrete thinkers.  Pragmatics, executive functioning, organizational skills have to with how they arrange, rearrange, don't-arrange their external world in accordance with their internal world (processing).

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